mardi 27 avril 2010

世界一周の旅が始まった Start!


Our one year trip became true since the 14th of april. London could have been perfect if we didn't were stucked for so long. It was my first time in London and I really appreciate the city. Julien was kind enough for joining me in the National Gallery, Tate Britain and British Museum. Museums are for free and collections are impressive! I wish I could live here in order to hang around as much as I want.

As the volcano decided to keep us in London, we had time to hang aound with people. We stayed 4 nights in Flip's appartement. She invited us to a party and shown us the sourrundings. She seems to know a lot about London, it did help! After we went to Gulben's home for a short week. She comes from Turkey and share her big house with 7 people. We had nice talk with all of them. Thanks to our host Filip and Gulben, we definitly had fun in London.
Now we're in Rio. We are soooooooooooooo glad to be in a hot place! 30°C for me and beautiful women in the beach for Julien ;) Rio doesn't look like an industrial big city with a lot of Mc Donalds or Starbucks. It's rather a colorful city with palm trees and beautiful beaches. But nobody speak english, even in our hotel and in the central station. Because we are not able to speak portugese or spanish, we can't chat with local people, how sad! Let's hope we'll meet an english speaker!!!

ロンドンのモームステイの友人と朝ごはんの時間 (Déjeuner sur la terrasse de Gulben, Londres )

リオのコパカバナビーチ (Plage de Copabana, Rio)

リオホテルの近く (Quartier autour de l'hôtel, Rio)

Pour les français, je vous laisse apprécier les commentaires de Julien!

7 commentaires:

  1. Aaaaargh, vous êtes à Rio, ça y est!!!! La chance! Bon par contre, pas la peine de nous faire baver, il fait 25°c à Paris aujourd'hui! Je sais pas si tu as eu des nouvelles d'Elodie, mais elle m'a dit qu'elle avait eu ton mail et là elle passe un concours dans le sud, elle revient dans quelques jours. (elle connaîtra peut-être des autochtones anglophones!) bibizzzz

  2. Nous sommes bien contents que vous soyez enfin arrivés à Rio. C'est sympa ton blog en japonais et en Anglais mais s'il pouvait y avoir un peu de français çà serait bien. Du coup, çà nous fait réviser l'anglais!
    Bisous de toute la famille.

  3. Alors là, ça se la pète à parler anglais et japonais et ça a même pas pris la peine d'apprendre l'espagnol... teu teu teu

    D'ailleurs moi aussi je me la pète tiens :

    Wah c'est fucké ça des musées for free. (québécois)
    C'est ben connu que Paris c'est le patlin où qtu raques le plus (savoie).
    You guys are so lucky but as you friend already said, we also have an amazing awesome summer weather in france. Whatever, we're all jalous and will keep pretending sedentary life is cool too...
    Hope you too are having a blast in RioooOcoco.

    la bise

  4. sister's family27 avril 2010 à 16:29

    cette fois ci je suis du même avis que la mamie ! merci à julien d'écrire en français ! lol
    contente de vous savoir enfin arrivé ! bisous !

  5. Maryna!
    It's me, Hun Joo!

    How are you doing?
    well... I think you are spending a great time.
    You look so happy and that makes me happy too!

    I really want to conglatulate your starting of one your trip!
    I hope you can spend happy days during your trip and learn a lot!







  6. Marriiinaa!
    I am so excited to read this blog!
    first of all, ur jpn is very good and i am happy to know you are safe!

    wow you went to Rio!! My friend "juliana"lol lives near the Copacabana beach :)

    Please take care and enjoy!! because not many people can travel Sekai isshu!!!



  7. Bonjour~~真理奈♪♪♪
    Comment vas-tu?

    What a surprise!! It seems super exciting trip!
    I respect you guys~~

    According to your plan, you are in Bolivia, right? I hope you are spending precious time:>

    I'm looking forward to read this blog!!

    Please enjoy your trip and take good care...



